Monday, April 27, 2015

The Journey of a New Violinist

My Progress!

Well honestly, learning how to play the violin is kind of hard; whats even harder than that is figuring out what song you want to learn and play. Thats my problem; I have no idea what song I want to learn how to play for my genius hour presentation. My grandpa has a hymn book with all my favorite hymns and the hymns have the music notes for the vocal part only (since we are christians and our church believes that we arent allowed to sing hymns with instruments). ive been practicing my favorite hymn and i kind of have the really good part down. i can play it but it sounds like im a violininst that is really rusty and havent even bothered to practice that particular song.
Im learning the notes to each song i like and i practice them all everyday, and almost toward the end of this project, my parents will help me chose what song i should do by having me auditioin with every song i have been practicing. i also found this song that i really do like its called Tragedy by Christina Perri. i think its a good idea to learn this song because the main instrument is the violin. i have been listening to it and listening to it to figure out the notes for the entire song. i worked on the song for the maximum for a day, but thats because i "have a good ear." and this next problem i have is that i just need like at the most three little sections that i need to figure out the notes on. two of them are the vocal part and the other part is a small violin solo. i am still working on the figuring out thing for the vocal part, but i just need help on the violin solo. i am going to ask my friend Valeria to help me figure out the notes for the solo. my one other problem is the bow. i can hold the bow, but no matter how much rosin i put on the stinking bow, it still sounds weird. also i have trouble on the bowing, its not that i dont know the bowings, but its that i am trying to play on one string, and im playing on two. but all this needs is practice and practice and so much more practice. im trying to practice as much im practicing the guitar because since im in a mariachi group, we have so many competitions comming up and its kinda hard to keep up with both at the same time. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

First Blog For English 1

Can I Learn How to Play the Violin in a Certain Time Frame?

   Hello my fellow bloggers, welcome to my blog where I will be documenting my journey on learning how to play the violin. This is so because in my English 1 class, we are doing genius hour. genius hour is something we do where we have to choose a topic of what we want to learn or something we want to learn to do. obviously, my topic is on learning to play the violin in five weeks.

      Ever since I was four years old I have always wanted to learn how to play the violin. the violin is basically my dream instrument. Thanks to genius hour, one of many of my dreams can become a reality. not only genius hour can help me accomplish this dream, but also my mariachi directors. I play with a mariachi group in school, and I play the guitar. our school is on a A day B day schedule, I take classical guitar classes on A days. in my classical guitar class, we learned how to read music, and where all the notes are on the guitar. I kind of already have a head start for the violin. I have always been told that if you already know how to play either the violin or the guitar, it isn't hard to play the other which I am really excited about. the guitar and the violin share similar strings such as the G, D, A, and E string.

      So if you find other peoples journeys on learning something new, discovering new experiences, and the violin, you will more than likely enjoy my blog. I really do believe that I am not going to regret this decision on the violin, I feel like I will enjoy it and excel in the violin. well, time is running out, so deuces!!